In our house, I think we celebrate National Eat What You Want Day probably once a week. I can't imagine going an entire year and only eating what I wanted for ONE day. Life's too short! 'Course, this might be a good reason why I'll never be in a SIze 6.

My dogs do not get to eat whatever they want--if they did, I'd have to get a second job to pay for the vet visits. Admittedly, however, they do get their fair share of tater tots, apples, strawberries, homemade dog treats, pizza crust and I even have one coworker who has evidently taken pity on them since I'm a Vegan and sends chicken and steak home with me for surprises. Sometimes I stop at WFM for lunch or groceries and pick stuff up for the dogs off the salad bar--other of my coworkers (obviously not the Meat Bandit) then like to say, "Isn't human food bad for dogs??"

WHAT??!! HAVE YOU SEEN the list of ingredients on a bag of dog food? Is there anyone who can honestly say with a straight face that tomatoes, strawberries and a few corn chips are WORSE than a bag of food who's first 4 ingredients are ground flours and have chemical dyes? That's not to say that my dogs don't eat dog food--of course they do--and I will admit that I'm a dog food snob. I'm simply making a point that, as with most of mainstream America, our big companies have done a miraculous job of brainwashing the public into thinking sawdust with meat flavor is MORE healthy than ACTUAL meat and vegetables for our canine friends.

So, I analyze and study every dog food on a continual basis to make sure I'm doing my very best to provide them with a healthy food, but I will be the first to say that I freely "supplement", which may be why Frankie starts behaving everytime I start dinner. My dogs enjoy a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and those on the safe list that YOUR dog will probably love too are:

Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Berries of all kinds, Nuts (NOT macadamias though), Zucchini, COOKED white potatoes, Sweet Green Peas, Cherries, Cranberries, Bananas, Oranges, Rice (although in small amounts to avoid "binding" and causing constipation), Plain Yogurt, and Carrots.

What's YOUR dogs' favorite human treats!!??

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